Contemporary Consciousness And The Tradition Of Urdu Inshaiya


  • Sobia Khan Author


dominate, impossible, consciousness


The contemporary consciousness of a writer is different from the contemporary consciousness of an ordinary person. But the writer makes his reverse contemporary consciousness a part of history and preserves it for future writers. Because it is impossible that any writer can create literature without relating himself to contemporary consciousness. Then it is not right to consider the contemporary problems as existing only in the outside world. Because in the mirror of the individual's self, the contemporary consciousness with all its problems and pains continues to be reflected. Secondly, emotional non-attachment is somehow necessary in the contemporary consciousness otherwise it will continue to roll around. For those who are able to transform contemporary problems into spiritual and aesthetic experience, the real age of many is born by itself. Inshaiya genre in Urdu literature formally started in the sixth decade of the 20th century. If we review the Indian literature before this, it is certain that politics used to dominate literature till the first half of the 20th century. Due to which specific themes and specific types of literature came into being. In which, instead of liberal thinking, the use of catchphrases instead of concrete creative language and the implementation of individual thinking instead of personal expression was considered as the first condition.







How to Cite

Sobia Khan. (2022). Contemporary Consciousness And The Tradition Of Urdu Inshaiya. TAMSAAL, 1(2), 22-30.