Introduction To Terminology In Urdu Literature


  • Mansoor Bashir Author


evolutionary journey, will definitely, definitely, terminology


Languages, whether developed or undeveloped, still need terms. However, it is certain that with the evolutionary journey of society and nations, the angles of life also change. This change creates new thinking in the new age. Which has a direct impact on the language and with the new times, languages ​​continue to formulate new terms. Which is the urgent need of the hour. If this process of terminology stops, languages ​​will definitely lose their quality and values ​​and time will push them backwards. Same thing happened with Urdu It is said that Urdu has developed its Heula jointly from different civilizations, so it has more opportunities to coin new terms. Terminology is very important in every language. What is the term? And what are the principles and rules of designing them? We will try to explain this in detail. The main difference between a term and a word is that a word has a literal meaning. While the term does not exist, the term can be defined. Like, Kashmiri wazwan, it does not have a definitive meaning in the dictionary but a specific society and culture has given it this name..







How to Cite

Mansoor Bashir. (2022). Introduction To Terminology In Urdu Literature. TAMSAAL, 1(2), 16-21.