A Comparative Study Of Urdu And Hindi Epics Related To The Partition Of India


  • Obaidul Ghaffar Author


similarity, characterization


Similarities and contrasts in Urdu and Hindi fictions written on the subject of riots are natural and the subject demands. All the fictions written around the same time under the same central idea, whether they are written in Urdu or in Hindi, must have prominent elements of uniformity and similarity, but this does not mean that the contrasts are absolute. I am extinct. The mood of the fiction writer is his artistic ability, his geographical situation and then his ideological (intellectual basis) all these elements play their role in composing the fiction. In such a case, along with the similarities, the ways of contradictions also open somewhere A comparative study of Urdu and Hindi fiction shows that the fiction writers of both languages ​​have handled the theme of communalism very artistically. Due to this uniformity of the subject, similarities have also arisen in art, technique, language and narration, plot and characterization. We see that where the focus of themes of Urdu fictions are murders, violation of human values, kidnapping and humiliation, the spirit of sacrifice and psychological conflict, the same things are seen in Hindi fictions with a change of words.







How to Cite

Obaidul Ghaffar. (2022). A Comparative Study Of Urdu And Hindi Epics Related To The Partition Of India. TAMSAAL, 1(1), 21-34. https://tamsaal.pk/index.php/tamsaal/article/view/3